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Work with us


Everything we do at Care to Dance is to support and improve the well being of care experienced young people.


By partnering with us, you’ll become part of a network and community of local authorities and other creative organisations generating new opportunities for your young people. The positive impact that dance and the arts can have on young people has, for a long time, been overlooked, and we’d love to work with you to change that.

​For the past 5 years, we’ve been working with local authorities across the country to understand their needs and the needs of their young people, and how we can best work together to achieve the best outcomes for everyone.


For our partners, this means making it as easy as possible to get going with and run our programmes, which is why we sort all of the set up and organisation from beginning to end. This means no extra workload for you or any of your staff. We share regular updates on how the young people are doing, the impact we can see and any developments.


But it doesn’t just avoid any additional workload, it actually helps to reduce it in some cases. Our team consists of a mix of registered social workers and trauma-informed staff with a deep understanding of the barriers young people may face and how to use interventions based on their needs and what they’re going through. We have extensive experience working with young people in a statutory setting, and registered social workers leading on the well-being and safeguarding of young people across our programmes. This means we can help share the load and support your young people. And we don’t just work with your team, we work holistically with the other key relationships and adults around the young person to support their home stability and reduce missing episodes. 


"Witnessing the impact that Care to Dance has had on care-experienced young people in Hackney, I would strongly advocate for other local authorities to be able to benefit from this service too."
Social Pedagogue, Virtual School

We know how much of a positive impact Care to Dance has on our young people. We consider the needs of each young person individually, ensure we are inclusive of all young people and that we are engaging them while creating a strong sense of belonging. It improves their overall sense of well being, particularly their mental health, and provides them with an outlet for their experiences in an environment they feel safe. And it gives them a chance to have fun and forget about anything else going on for them.


We’ve also found that our programmes support the educational attainment of young people, both directly through tangible qualifications that they can achieve and indirectly through the positive impact that engaging in dance and our programmes has on their motivation and through the informal mentoring opportunities provided within our workshops from our care team.


We'd love to work with you.




"Working with Care to Dance has been such a rewarding, unique and empowering experience for us as a Virtual School and our young people in care. It has empowered our young people, enabled some to re-engage in their education and others to consider their future aspirations. It has allowed them to develop life long skills, not only associated with dance but that will support them going forward in all aspects of life."

Virtual School Headteacher, Leicestershire

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