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Our purpose

For the 15th year in a row, the number of children in care has continued to rise; in March 2023, there were over 80,000 children in the system. ​

These children need support. People they trust. Somewhere they feel like they belong.
They need to see people believe in them.
That's what we're here to do.


Most care-experienced children and young people will have experienced instability and trauma, and will be living with the effects of this. What this means for each of them will be different, but one thing we know is that many young people are often unable to access or express their experiences using words.​


They are also significantly more likely to have been moved far from where they grew up and to have experienced marginalisation and isolation purely because of having been through the care system. This means many have fewer friendships and supportive relationships as a result.


​This is where Care to Dance comes in.


We use dance to enable young people to heal and release emotion through movement when it’s too difficult to communicate verbally. To express themselves freely without fear of judgement, and to be accepted exactly as they are. We build inclusive communities that provide a sense of belonging, make them feel safe and develop their mental resilience. A space where they can feel joy, laugh and be amongst friends they trust and who have been through similar experiences to them.


We know how much care-experienced young people have gone through and the challenges they face. But we also know that with the right support and community behind them, with a space to be free and understood, they can overcome these challenges. And we’re here to make sure that happens.

"The impact this programme has had in supporting the confidence, wellbeing and engagement of our young people is phenomenal- it’s been completely amazing to see their progress and the friendships and support they have for each other is incredible."
Young person's carer

Hear from our young people

You can help us make a difference for young people

Help us give them a space to be free, to be themselves and know they belong.

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